By supporting A Safe Place, you provide essential funds to keep our programs and services running. You make it possible for us to keep fighting hard for victims, and working to empower those who have been freed from their abusers to embrace their courage and help stop the cycle of violence in our communities.
To purchase a sponsorship online, click on RESERVE YOUR TICKETS on the left and select your desired sponsorship level, or click on a sponsorship level below. You may also contact us directly to coordinate an individual or corporate sponsorship. Please contact Carmen Patlan at or 847-731-7165 ext 109.
Your $20,000 provides
four families with three months of emergency shelter, food, legal advocacy,
support, and counseling
Corporate Partner Award
presentation at the event
Featured with a quote in
one Gala press release sent before the event to over 30 media outlets
Name or logo as presenting
sponsor on invitation mailed to over 5,000 individuals (if prior to August 1,
Full page ad in event
program book seen by over 300 guests at the event
Name or logo on website with over 500 views each quarter, recognition
on social media pages with over 2,500 followers, and listing on weekly email
blasts to over 7,000 email subscribers
Name or logo at the event, including sponsorship signage and on the powerpoint
presentation from the stage
Three reserved tables (30 guests) at the event with VIP seating of
your choice and 6 additional tickets ($9,900 value)
Your $10,000 provides one
family of four a safe home for one year with access to the programs, services,
and support they need to begin healing
Name or logo on
invitation mailed to over 5,000 individuals (if prior to August 1, 2018)
Half page ad in event
program book seen by over 300 guests at the event
Name or logo on website with over 500 views each quarter, recognition
on social media pages with over 2,500 followers, and listing on weekly email
blasts to over 7,000 email subscribers
Name or logo at the event, including sponsorship signage and on the
powerpoint presentation from the stage
Two reserved tables (20 guests) at the event with prime seating and 6
additional tickets ($7,150 value)
Your $5,000 provides a
family of four one year of services, including counseling, advocacy, life
skills, and resources
Name or logo on
invitation mailed to over 5,000 individuals (if prior to August 1, 2018)
Quarter page ad in event
program book seen by over 300 guests at the event
Name or logo on website with over 500 views each quarter, recognition
on social media pages with over 2,500 followers, and listing on weekly email
blasts to over 7,000 email subscribers
Name or logo at the event, including sponsorship signage and on the
powerpoint presentation from the stage
One reserved table (10 guests) at the event and 6 additional tickets
($4,400 value)
Your $3,000 provides one
year of safe visits for families with contested custody at the Family
Visitation Center
Name or logo on
invitation mailed to over 5,000 individuals (if prior to August 1, 2018)
Name listing in event
program book seen by over 300 guests at the event
Name or logo on website with over 500 views each quarter, recognition
on social media pages with over 2,500 followers, and listing on weekly email
blasts to over 7,000 email subscribers
Name or logo at the event, including sponsorship signage and on the
powerpoint presentation from the stage
One reserved table (10 guests) at the event ($2,750 value)
PHOTO BACKDROP SPONSOR –$3,500 (1 available)
· Name or logo on event photo backdrop
· Name listing in event program book, website, and on social media
· Name or logo on Winner's Choice tickets
· Name listing in event program book, website, and on social media
FLORAL SPONSOR –$1,200 (1 available)
· Two business cards and one sign set at each table
· Name listing in event program book, website, and on social media
LIVE AUCTION PADDLES SPONSOR –$1,200 (1 available)
· Name or logo on live auction bidder paddles
· Name listing in event program book, website, and on social media
COCKTAIL HOUR SPONSOR –$1,100 (4 available)
· Name or logo on bar signage
· Name listing in event program book, website, and on social media
· BONUS: Purchase 2 at this level and create and name your own specialty drink for the evening!
DINNER SPONSOR –$1,000 (9 available)
· Name or logo on menu cards
· Name listing in event program book, website, and on social media
GIFT BAG SPONSOR –$1,000 (1 available)
· Name or logo on gift bags given to guests
· Name listing in event program book, website, and on social media
DJ/ENTERTAINMENT SPONSOR –$1,000 (1 available)
· Name or logo on sign at DJ booth
· Name listing in event program book, website, and on social media
APPETIZERS SPONSOR –$500 (2 available)
· Name or logo on cocktail napkins
· Name listing in event program book, website, and on social media
DASH CONTEST SPONSOR –$500 (1 available)
· Name or logo on signage during Dash Contest
· Name listing in event program book, website, and on social media
PHOTO BOOTH SPONSOR –$500 (1 available)
· Name or logo on signage at photo booth
· Name listing in event program book, website, and on social media
GOBO SPONSOR –$500 (2 available)
· Name listing in event program book, website, and on social media
LIVE VIDEO FEED SPONSOR –$500 (2 available)
· Name listing in event program book, website, and on social media
· Quarter page ad in event program book
· Name listing in event program book, website, and on social media